date 12/1/2006 regular distance 3k *Section 1 jjohnson 10:21.5 amccaffery 10:22.1 shurley 10:24.7 emoore 10:59.0 ncoffey 11:09.5 dmiller 11:28.0 tettinger 12:06.3 jbright 12:08.7 pdriscoll 12:14.4 jallen 12:58.7 sgraceffo 13:19.0 drobbins 13:20.3 pford 13:32.9 lhill 13:58.8 jucci 14:08.3 tcollins 14:31.2 smore 15:01.2 crider 15:22.8 jswan 15:26.4 ehahn 18:06 *Section 2 mromagnoli 10:41.6 rdirubbo 10:54.3 ssampere 11:42.1 jstauffer 11:47.2 csteinbach 12:11.6 ryanai 12:27.9 jsmith 12:37.4 kwall 12:46.0 rwestbrook 12:52.9 hteres 13:02.4 sleone 13:06.9 rcleary 13:28.5 cdranchek 13:30.8 rmicho 13:41.8 ldietz 14:02.6 kcollins 14:09.8 jfalchi 14:48.0 yrothenberg 15:07.2 tcromp 16:58.4 pstelmaszyk 16:58.5 price 17:12.5 *Section 3 jmartinez 10:21.8 mfitzpatrick 10:22.0 dhughes 11:06.8 thomeyer 11:31.6 swright 11:44.7 jsnyder 12:06.6 dmayer 13:08.6 skelly 13:15.2 vverdoes 14:21.1 lcalandruccio 14:40.7 lfrancis 14:56.0 rlittlewood 16:23.4 dhanlon 19:53.8 distance 400m wmcrae 1:46.2 distance 200m jbisson 46.1 date 12/07/06 regular distance 800m *SECTION 0 *(preheats timed by L.Tucker) crider 3:48.8 lhill 2:55.0 pford 3:25.5 *SECTION 1 lhill 2:54.4 smore 3:02.5 drobbins 3:02.7 sgraceffo 3:07.7 yrothenberg 3:22.3 pstelmaszyk 3:35.7 crider 3:48.1 rmore 6:41.2 *Russ More is first ever 85+ noontime runner! *Belated birthday wishes, Russ!!!! *SECTION 2 shurley 2:23.9 dmiller 2:35.0 jbright 2:41.2 hteres 2:54.2 fschlereth 3:05.5 jswan 3:45.9 ehahn 4:08.4 dhanlon 4:38.0 *SECTION 3 amccaffery 2:17.1 jjohnson 2:25.3 rdirubbo 2:30.2 pdriscoll 2:37.7 rcleary 2:56.2 sleone 2:59.6 sfairchild 3:02.2 *SECTON 4 jstauffer 2:26.5 tettinger 2:39.9 jsnyder 2:47.2 gscott 2:54.6 jfalchi 3:17.3 lcalandruccio 3:21.0 tcromp 3:51.2 *SECTION 5 kvanboden 2:15.5 tsproull 2:34.8 skelly 2:39.0 cdranchek 2:39.0 csteinbach 2:40.3 ryanai 2:49.1 tcollins 2:50.1 price 3:39.3 *SECTION 6 rmicho 2:46.7 jallen 2:46.7 pmcclure 2:49.5 eholzwarth 2:53.9 arinaldi 3:27.0 wmcrae 3:56.2 rhahn 4:10.6 *SECTION 7 jcann 2:20.2 ssampere 2:25.1 mfitzpatrick 2:25.6 ithompson 3:10.1 lorlicz 3:23.2 dsnyder 3:44.4 wborgstede 4:04.5 distance 400m jbisson 1:44.1 *SECTION 8 distance 800m jmartinez 2:11.8 thomeyer 2:37.8 jsmith 2:49.3 bnicholson 2:50.8 tfondy 3:28.6 *SECTION 9 mromagnoli 2:23.9 swright 2:39.0 *It says regular, but it was not. *Bleachers out (mistake, oh well...) *Fortunately, 50+ degrees, but rain. *Outdoor track! date 12/15/2006 regular *Actually run beforehand. Timed by * Don Robbins distance 3k ltucker 15:00.1 distance 800m ltucker 3:43.1 distance 5k *Section 1: the infamous section 1. *Pouring rain, Lennie thought she *lost the times. (OK, though) mromagnoli 18:47.5 gradford 18:59.8 mrybinski 19:10.1 dhughes 19:34.4 dmiller 20:02.6 jstauffer 20:09.3 ssampere 20:51.3 lhill 21:03.7 jsnyder 21:05 jbright 21:08.9 pdriscoll 21:12.7 ryanai 21:22.0 pmcclure 22:08.9 sleone 22:27.4 skelly 22:51.3 hteres 22:54.7 pford 23:01.2 sgraceffo 23:02.3 drobbins 23:30.8 rcleary 23:35.2 ryoung 23:36.7 rmicho 23:37.7 kcollins 24:36.7 jucci 25:19.7 tskwarnicki 25:36.2 yrothenberg 25:39.8 crider 26:26.2 smore 26:32.1 * Run during section 1 of 5k distance 3k rhahn 21:54.1 rmore 28:31.5 distance 400m wborgstede 1:51.0 distance mile lfrancis 7:41.2 distance 800m jbisson 4:05 *Section 2 of 5k was actually *run during section 1 - I started *an extra watch on these guys - what *a zoo. distance 5k amccaffery 17:37.4 ncoffey 20:14.3 jview 24:01.4 distance 1500m wmcrae 8:21.4 *Section 3 distance 5k mfitzpatrick 18:25.8 thomeyer 20:31.6 khanlon 23:18.0 dsnyder 27:28.2 *Run during section 3 of 5k distance 3k jwickham 11:27.2 labrahamson 13:03.5 cread 13:07.8 bnicholson 14:30.0 * Outside times submitted date 11/23/2006 outside distance 5k kvanboden 18:01 *Baldwinsville Turkey Trot date 9/9/2006 outside distance 5k rdirubbo 18:49 * ARC races date 10/1/2006 outside distance 5k lowens 24:55 *Festival date 8/19/2006 outside distance 5k tcromp 27:54 *Willow Bay * 400 Meter Day date 12/20/2006 regular distance 400m *Section 1 smore 73.6 lhill 78.4 drobbins 80.5 kcollins 84.0 rmore 2:43.7 *Section 2 rdirubbo 67.6 ryoung 70.8 tcollins 72.4 fschlereth 72.9 ltucker 93.8 crider 1:47.2 *Section 3 amccaffery 62.2 pkimani 62.6 lhill 79.1 kcollins 86.9 yrothenberg 88.6 ehahn 1:45.4 *Section 4 jbright 71.5 jsnyder 73.3 smoore 81.1 crider 1:48.3 dhanlon 1:53.8 *Section 5 tsproull 63.8 labrahamson 72.6 lhill 79.7 yrothenberg 92.0 *Section 6 pdriscoll 68.3 jallen 73.8 eholzwarth 74.3 sclemence 88.2 mprattico 97.4 rhahn 1:52.0 *Section 7 lhill 81.3 kcollins 87.0 ldietz 89.2 arinaldi 92.0 crider 1:47.4 *Section 8 jfalchi 77.6 price 90.9 distance 200m wmcrae 65.5 distance 400m *Section 9 rcleary 74.6 rwestbrook 75.0 cread 75.7 tskwarnicki 83.3 jucci 84.4 jbisson 95.1 tcromp 96.8 *Section 10 jstauffer 63.1 mromagnoli 63.1 ssampere 63.1 ncoffey 64.8 jbright 72.5 rhahn 1:38.8 *Section 11 kvanboden 60.3 mfitzpatrick 68.7 tfondy 77.3 jcarnes 87.1 lfrancis 93.7 dsnyder 1:45.4 distance 200m wborgstede 43.9 distance 400m *Section 12 jcann 57.5 bnicholson 70.4 khanlon 86.6 *Section 13 swright 73.8 pford 1:45.4 *running in street clothes *************** * 200 meter day date 12/29/2006 regular distance 200m *Section 0 smore 32.4 yrothenberg 39.1 rmore 62.3 *Section 1 ryoung 31.5 tcollins 31.5 lhill 36.7 kcollins 37.7 *Section 2 dmiller 30.4 jsnyder 33.2 *Section 3 smoore 32.8 emcconnell 36.2 sleone 36.9 lhill 36.9 *Section 4 pdriscoll 30.9 jucci 37.9 kreynolds 45.6 ehahn 47.1 *Section 5 lhill 55.8 ghill 56.9 shill 58.7 *Section 6 tcollins 32.1 jsnyder 33.7 eholzwarth 34.0 kcollins 37.4 *Section 7 gallen 28.7 jallen 32.6 lhanlon 33.4 dhanlon 43.3 *Section 8 skelly 28.9 cdranchek 28.9 jfalchi 30.5 tettinger 31.5 *Section 9 dmiller 30.5 rdirubbo 30.5 jbright 32.6 csteinbach 45.1 *Section 10 bjackson 26.3 jstauffer 28.6 sleone 37.1 *Section 11 amartinez 40.5 jmartinez 40.8 cmartinez 41.8 *cecilia chmartinez 41.8 *christina *Section 12 jcann 25.0 labrahamson 32.7 rwestbrook 32.9 rcleary 33.8 *Section 13 ldietz 38.5 sukelly 45.2 *Summer rkelly 48.5 skelly 48.8 *Section 14 pford 39.2 vverdoes 40.9 kkelly 83.1 skelly 83.1 *Section 15 *Tracy Cromp DNF mfitzpatrick 30.9 kcollins 37.6 rhahn 41.6 *Section 16 dmiller 31.2 dhughes 33.8 khanlon 37.7 *Section 17 tsproull 28.0 jbright 32.4 bnicholson 32.6 dsnyder 50.9 *Section 18 jmartinez 27.4 ssampere 28.4 tfondy 31.3 *Section 19 dhughes 34.1 jcarnes 42.5 distance 400m kreynolds 81.2 distance 200m *Section 20 amartinez 41.5 jmartinez 41.7 tsampere 56.3 ssampere 56.5 *Section 21 rwestbrook 33.7 thomeyer 34.9 emcconnell 38.5 rwestbrook 33.7 thomeyer 34.9 emcconnell 38.5 distance 400m ssampere 72.8 dhughes 73.2 *Outside times submitted date 12/13/2006 outside distance 800m kekelly 2:36.3 *Have no venue: this is for kevin's *information (as are other entries below) date 12/27/2006 outside distance 400m kekelly 68.9 * Fac/Staff 100m day (happy new year!) date 1/5/2007 regular *run beforehand distance 200m ltucker 42.0 *Section 1 distance 100m lhill 17.8 yrothenberg 19.5 rmore 27.4 *Section 2 pstelmaszyk 15.4 smoore 17.0 kcollins 18.4 *Section 3 tcollins 15.3 dhanlon 20.7 ehahn 21.6 *Section 4 pdriscoll 14.8 tettinger 15.7 ddaley 16.0 *Section 5 cberger 16.3 jsnyder 16.6 lowens 21.1 *Section 6 fschlereth 16.9 lhill 17.0 kreynolds 17.8 *Section 7 rcleary 16.9 kcollins 18.0 jucci 18.2 *Section 8 tettinger 15.4 jsnyder 16.6 price 19.8 *Section 9 tsproull 13.9 tcollins 14.9 pstelmaszyk 15.2 *Section 10 rwestbrook 16.0 jview 17.1 * Tracy Cromp walked, but TMc missed her time *Section 11 jcarnes 23.0 wmcrae 27.0 *kfoote (DNF) *Section 12 lorlicz 16.5 rmay 22.9 *cberger (DNF) *Section 13 skelly 14.1 jmartinez 19.0 chmartinez 19.1 *Section 14 jfalchi 15.3 labrahamson 16.2 wborgstede 21.0 *Section 15 cread 16.7 ldietz 19.7 kkelly 24.9 skelly 25.1 *Section 16 lhill 18.2 kcollins 18.5 tcromp 45.3 *Tracy walked a second one here *Section 17 tcollins 15.3 dtrombley 19.4 csteinbach 23.2 *Section 18 eripley 14.2 lcalandruccio 18.6 rhahn 24.2 *Section 19 ncoffey 15.0 smore 15.8 pford 21.0 *Section 20 gallen 14.0 rdirubbo 15.0 mfitzpatrick 15.2 *Section 21 skelly 14.1 mromagnoli 14.5 jallen 15.8 *Section 22 cdranchek 14.3 lhill 18.0 kcollins 18.3 *Section 23 jmartinez 13.6 mromagnoli 14.8 mfitzpatrick 14.8 *N.B. given in finish order *Section 24 bnicholson 15.2 ryanai 16.9 khanlon 17.5 *Fac/staff 10k date 1/11/2007 regular distance 10k pdepaulis 46:51.1 gradford 45:34.3 thomeyer 41:29.8 mfitzpatrick 39:02.7 lhill 43:02.8 pmcclure 46:37.1 smore 58:58.1 *kcollins dnf? dchristensen 42:49.9 cread 49:19.0 lcalandruccio 53:18.7 jucci 52:12.3 jmartinez 37:30.6 ncoffey 40:40.1 *dmiller dnf? ssampere 42:20.5 jsnyder 42:39.5 distance 200m dtrombley 47.1 distance 3k sgraceffo 13:27.6 rmicho 13:58.9 ryoung 13:11 jview 14:29.3 jpattit 14:18.9 distance 1500m tfondy 8:00.2 distance 5k bnicholson 24:27.3 rmore 45:43.3 vverdoes 24:00.7 * Extra lap? ehahn 30:06.9 pdriscoll 21:32.8 skelly 23:01.2 sleone 22:40.3 rlittlewood 30:59.2 csteinbach 21:59.0 *rhahn dnf? *Outside times submitted date 1/1/2007 outside distance mile kekelly 5:41 date 12/27/2007 outside distance 400m kekelly 68.9 *The One Mile Run date 1/19/2007 regular *Done with section 1 distance 800m lfrancis 3:30 distance mile *section 1 rmicho 6:34.8 ryoung 6:39.3 sgraceffo 6:39.7 drobbins 6:42.7 pjewell 7:39.7 fschlereth 7:59.6 ehahn 8:44.6 rmore 12:56.7 *Section 2 amccaffery 5:01.0 emoore 5:25.2 ncoffey 5:29.4 jburton 5:31.8 pdriscoll 5:56.2 jsnyder 5:59.5 skelly 6:22.6 jswan 8:07.7 jhandog 8:31.8 lbarnes 9:43.2 *Section 3 rdirubbo 5:30.8 tsproull 5:46.1 jperry 5:47 ssampere 6:24.5 sleone 6:24.9 shitztaler 6:41.0 jpattit 7:11.6 jucci 7:13.1 dhanlon 10:31.2 *Section 4 tdirubbo 5:07.5 bjackson 5:15.6 mromagnoli 5:18.1 jjohnson 5:29.5 kinoue 5:35.5 ssampere 5:41.1 kwall 5:51.0 tettinger 5:53.2 pmcclure 6:16.6 rwestbrook 6:21.8 spralle 6:27.5 lnafie 6:36.4 *Section 5 jmartinez 4:59.9 mfitzpatrick 5:18.5 shitztaler 6:39.2 jview 7:01.7 tcollins 7:02.2 ldietz 7:09 dmayer 7:39.3 price 8:21.2 mprattico 8:27.4 rhahn 10:17.1 *Fac-Staff 4x400m date 1/24/2007 regular distance 1600r *section 1 amagri fschlereth bjackson jallen 4:22.3 *section 2 pjewell drobbins emoore dmiller 5:41.6 mromagnoli ryoung jcann skelly 4:17.6 *section 3 amccaffery smore rcleary pkimani 4:33.6 ryanai ltucker kcollins tettinger 5:20.8 jview lbarnes kreynolds rwestbrook 5:44.5 gradford jperry gscott tdirubbo 4:52.0 *Section 4 cread arinaldi aamezcua jwickham 4:57.8 price mpolacek rmay rlittlewood 5:58.5 thomeyer jsmith tsproull jperry 4:42.1 ehahn rhahn bjackson kmaum 5:24.7 *Section 5 pdepaulis spralle fschlereth dhughes 5:21.1 hteres jallen gallen amagri 4:28.4 mrybinski csteinbach lhill mromagnoli 5:35.1 cdranchek tcollins jmartinez ssampere 4:20.8 *Section 6 jjohnson bnicholson sleone pmcclure 4:49.6 mfitzpatrick jbright pdriscoll dmiller 4:38.1 cnomura lcalandruccio jcarnes jhandog 5:45.7 labrahamson dbowen gradford tdirubbo 4:22.7 *Section 7 jmartinez tcollins ssampere chmartinez 5:03.8 wmcrae pkimani ldietz amccaffery 5:12.0 jburton jsnyder jucci rdirubbo 4:52.2 dchristensen rwestbrook thomeyer jview 4:56.9 *Section 8 jcann lfrancis rmore jpattit 6:40.5 mfitzpatrick emoore drobbins ncoffey 4:43.1 mprattico jjohnson smore jburton 5:09.7 pmcclure wborgstede sleone bnicholson 5:55.9 distance 800r bjackson ehahn amagri hteres 2:08.7 rmore mromagnoli ryoung skelly 2:45.1 *Outside times submitted * Geddes Grunt Run date 11/1/2006 outside distance 10k lowens 52:00 *OLP Fun Run date 08/10/2006 outside distance 5k tettinger 19:41 date 02/01/07 regular distance 400m *Section 1 pford 107.3 *section 2 amccaffery 62.4 pkimani 61.6 mfox 72.1 *section 3 ehahn 103.6 drobbins 78.4 sleone 79.0 *section 4 shurley 63.7 dmiller 67.2 jhandog 102.8 jallen 70.2 *section 5 rmay 95.0 crider 109.9 jjohnson 69.1 mprattico 85.9 *section 6 csteinbach 79.9 pdepaulis 79.7 shitztaler 88.1 price 95.0 *section 7 jmartinez 105.5 chmartinez 105.5 gradford 66.6 jperry 71.9 distance 800m jucci 3:13.1 *section 8 distance 400m pdepaulis 81.9 shitztaler 87.7 ryanai 73.5 *section 9 amccaffery 61.1 jmartinez 59.2 ssampere 61.6 tsproull 62.1 distance 200m ncoffey 29.4 distance 800m dhughes 2:40.7 *section 10 distance 400m jview 80.0 amagri 54.2 bjackson 55.8 distance 200m arinaldi 48.7 *section 11 distance 400m mromagnoli 63.3 jsnyder 72.3 dhanlon 113.5 emoore 63.8 shitztaler 87.9 *section 12 *(kids section accompanied by J.Perry & M.Romagnoli)) pperry 86.9 *Patrick, age unknown--at least under 8 yrs old I think distance 200m mperry 59.2 *Max--even younger than Patrick *section 13 distance 400m hteres 67.6 skelly 64.8 jpattit 67.2 mfitzpatrick 65.1 *section 14 khanlon 70.9 mrybinski 65.5 tettinger 68.7 thomeyer 73.7 *section 15 fschlereth 73.0 labrahamson 71.9 pmcclure 70.4 bnicholson 70.3 *section 16 smore 74.3 cdranchek 64.1 rdirubbo 66.9 *section 17 distance 800m khanlon 2:38.6 gradford 2:37.1 mrybinski 2:44.5 jmartinez 2:37.6 *Outside times submitted *Hartshorne date 1/20/2007 outside distance mile thomeyer 5:44.3 *Mystic county marathon date 10/22/2006 outside distance mar chmartinez 5:03:31 *Chris Thater date 8/27/2006 outside distance 5k csteinbach 20:51 *Lilac date 5/21/2006 outside distance 10k csteinbach 43:45 *Stockadeathon date 11/12/2006 outside distance 15k csteinbach 65:16 *outdoor national masters track meet date 8/6/2006 outside distance 1500m csteinbach 5:33.55 *4x800 day (At the end of extremely cold snowy week) date 02/09/2007 regular distance 3200r *Section 1 jjohnson amccaffery sleone ssampere 10:16.3 dmiller jbright drobbins ncoffey 11:07.9 lhill jwickham sgraceffo ryoung 11:13.8 ehahn kwall bjackson kcollins 12:10.5 *Section 2 cread swright tfondy mpolacek 12:15.0 price aamezcua rmay jpattit 12:59.5 jcarnes rhahn jhandog jswan 16:13.5 *Section 3 jallen bjackson ryanai tettinger 10:30.3 bnicholson jucci jmartinez tcollins 11:11.0 smore rcleary jsnyder mfox 11:22.8 crider skelly lfrancis sgraceffo 13:31.8 *Section 4 eholzwarth amccaffery rdirubbo ssampere 10:25.2 pdriscoll mfitzpatrick drobbins ncoffey 10:55.0 kmaum spralle dhughes jallen 11:14.6 tsproull ddaley jsmith dchristensen 11:38.2 wmcrae jfalchi sleone jmartinez 12:20.1 *Section 5 pford tsproull rwestbrook kreynolds 11:33.3 rhahn ryanai ltucker bjackson 13:20.4 *outside times *festival date 10/01/2006 outside distance 5k dhughes 19:08 *stockadeathon date 11/12/2006 outside distance 15k dhughes 59:48 date 07/09/2006 outside *boilermaker distance 15k ryoung 1:20:03 date 10/14/2006 outside *hospice rochester distance 5k sgraceffo 22:57 date 5/28/2006 outside *fayetteville distance 10k sgraceffo 52:14 date 7/4/2006 outside *Cazenovia distance 5k cread 22:38 date 7/9/2006 outside *Boilermaker distance 15k cread 1:12:11 date 9/24/2006 outside *ARC distance hmar cread 1:44:28 date 1/5/2006 outside *NYC distance mar cread 3:58:20 date 6/9/2006 outside * Empire State Senior Games distance 100m tfondy 14.1 date 6/10/2006 outside distance 200m tfondy 30.0 date 6/17/2006 outside *Swamp Rat distance 10k labrahamson 46:20 date 7/4/2006 outside *Caz distance 5k labrahamson 22:04 date 7/9/2006 outside *Boilermaker distance 15k labrahamson 1:21:54 date 02/15/2007 regular *RUN OF CHOICE DAY distance 100m bjackson 12.9 jpattit 14.8 jsnyder 16.0 sleone 17.7 kcollins 18.7 distance 200m amccaffery 28.4 pstelmaszyk 31.5 jview 36.9 pdepaulis 36.9 ltucker 40.4 sgraceffo 40.7 rkelly 51.9 distance 400m rcleary 85.3 *westbrook's rabbit for his 800m distance 800m mrybinski 2:32.3 rwestbrook 2:47.3 *PR!! (the rabbit died) ryoung 2:51.7 ccapano 2:58.2 drobbins 3:01.0 jview 3:03.4 kcollins 3:12.2 distance mile emoore 5:23.7 sgraceffo 6:56.5 emcconnell 7:24.1 rmay 8:00.3 distance 800r *4 x 200m relay *GMC ccapano ssampere amccaffery smore 1:56.4 *RCG ltucker amagri kcollins bjackson 2:12.3 *FNC dhanlon khanlon emoore ncoffey 2:12.4 *GMC wborgstede jsnyder smore rcleary 2:24.6 distance 1600r *4 x 400m relay *GMC amccaffery jucci eholzwarth sleone 5:05.3 *FNC dhanlon khanlon emoore ncoffey 5:11.2 distance 3200r *4 x 800m relay *GMC cdranchek ssampere bnicholson jmartinez 9:58.1 *RCG ryanai pdepaulis amagri bjackson 10:24.5 date 07/17/2006 outside distance 5k pdepaulis 20:59 *Willow Bay Women's Run date 05/28/06 outside distance 10k pdepaulis 44:34 *Fayetteville 10k (road) date 07/09/06 outside distance 15k pdepaulis 68:57 *Utica Boilermaker (road) date 02/22/2007 regular distance 3k *SECTION 1 jperry 11:24.9 sleone 12:36.2 ryoung 13:01.7 drobbins 13:05.2 sgraceffo 13:15.2 emcconnell 15:01.4 jpattit 15:51.2 lowens 15:09.6 dhanlon 20:22.5 distance 400m kkelly 2:51.7 *SECTION 2 distance 3k amccaffery 9:43.0 jmartinez 9:51.6 *Javier jjohnson 9:56.6 sjackson 10:03.9 bjackson 10:22.6 ncoffey 10:52.1 dbowen 10:53.1 kinoue 10:56.5 pknepley 11:16.9 jstauffer 11:29.3 dmiller 11:34.9 thomeyer 11:37.5 kreynolds 11:52.9 tsproull 11:55.2 mpolacek 12:30.8 pmcclure 12:32.1 pdepaulis 12:33.3 mrybinski 12:45.6 arinaldi 14:17.3 pjewell 14:39.4 mprattico 15:56.6 jhandog 15:56.6 distance mile mfox 6:07.3 *after winding her way through *the crowd at the starting line!! *(recall the mile starts BEHIND *the 3k). Give her credit for an *effort at least a few seconds faster! *SECTION 3 distance 3k jmartinez2 10:17.9 *Juan mfitzpatrick 10:38.9 emoore 10:43.5 ssampere 11:11.0 kmaum 12:00.1 tettinger 12:31.0 skelly 12:47.7 lnafie 12:56.8 bnicholson 14:00.1 jfalchi 14:02.9 price 17:11.8 jmartinez 18:43.2 *Javier chmartinez 18:43.3 distance 1500m jbisson 8:13.9 *Outside Times date 10/08/2006 outside *Race with Grace distance 10k jjohnson 35:23 date 11/23/2006 outside *Steamtown distance mar jjohnson 2:52:31 date 8/10/2006 outside *DeRuyter distance hmar jjohnson 1:20:45 date 6/24/2006 outside *Airport 5k distance 5k jjohnson 17:39 date 6/3/2006 outside *Paige's distance 5k jmartinez 16:59 chmartinez 31:26 date 7/9/2006 outside *boilermaker distance 15k aamezcua 1:12:10 date 7/22/2006 outside *Gay games marathon distance mar aamezcua 3:35:30 date 06/08/2006 outside distance 5k *Senior games ryoung 22:47 distance 10k ryoung 50:48 date 11/12/2006 outside *stockadeathon distance 15k lhill 1:07:35 date 11/8/2006 outside *Hudson Mohawk distance mar ldietz 3:50:35 date 03/01/2007 regular distance mile *section 1 amagri 5:23.6 ryoung 6:24.4 labrahamson 6:25.3 rcleary 6:38.4 drobbins 6:38.8 smore 7:16.8 crider 8:20.5 *section 2 mfitzpatrick 5:14.0 ncoffey 5:16.0 emoore 5:17.6 dmiller 5:57.0 tettinger 5:57.3 ryanai 6:07.5 jpattit 6:56.1 distance 800m jucci 3:10.5 *section 3 distance mile jperry 5:46.4 gallen 5:54.6 mpolacek 6:14.5 jfalchi 6:56.3 rhahn 10:08.5 dhanlon 10:41.8 distance 800m pscherer 2:20.8 pknepley 2:30.7 kinoue 2:33.5 *section 4 distance mile dbowen 5:24.4 jstauffer 5:38.1 tsproull 5:38.9 khanlon 5:49.5 kmaum 5:50.8 kreynolds 5:53.0 pmcclure 6:10.3 eholzwarth 6:32.0 arinaldi 7:18.9 *section 5 jmartinez 4:47.0 amccaffery 4:49.8 rdirubbo 5:23.2 skelly 6:40.0 lorlicz 7:36.1 distance 1500m bnicholson 6:05.0 distance 800m jbisson 3:51.9 *Outside times date 7/09/2006 outside *boilermaker distance 15k tettinger 64:43 date 9/9/2006 outside *Arc race distance 5k jstauffer 19:32 date 5/29/2006 outside *Memorial 5k Camillus distance 5k jallen 21:59 date 10/01/2006 outside *festival distance 5k rhahn 36:48 kinoue 18:12 fschlereth 28:54 * 15k day, but there were many * other things being done date 03/09/2007 regular * run before the main event distance 200m pscherer 28.2 kinoue 28.9 pknepley 30.8 * ran later on, after her 400 jperry 32.9 pmcclure 31.9 distance 400m jperry 73.0 kkelly 2:30.8 distance 3k rcleary 13:39.3 rhahn 24:24.5 distance 5k emoore 18:56.3 jsnyder 20:04.8 * Sean's master's debut skelly 22:08.8 distance 10k amccaffery 37:06.0 swright 44:07.4 kwall 44:07.5 shitztaler 45:54.2 ryanai 47:26.1 cdranchek 49:18.4 yrothenberg 55:42.8 distance 15k jmartinez 55:34.2 mfitzpatrick 59:45.3 thomeyer 63:46.7 ssampere 64:39.2 pford 69:29.8 *Derek started 15 minutes early dwhite 72:59.0 * Tracy cromp timed these * during the 15k. Thanks, Tracy! distance 3k drobbins 13:05.9 bnicholson 13:26.2 eholzwarth 13:06.8 mprattico 16:21.5 distance 5k jfalchi 24:41.5 lnafie 22:53.5 distance 10k rdirubbo 40:44.9 vverdoes 49:17.5 * Outside Times date 3/4/2007 outside *FLRC meet distance 400m bnicholson 69.4 ltucker 1:34.2 distance mile ltucker 7:37.1 date 3/3/2007 outside * Chattahoochee Road Runners 10k Atlanta (GA01008WC) distance 10k jjohnson 34:05.04 date 7/9/2006 outside *Boilermaker distance 15k lowens 1:22:30 date 9/9/2006 outside *ARC run distance hmar lowens 1:53:41 * 200 day date 3/15/2007 regular distance 200m *Section 1 pkimani 27.6 amccaffery 28.4 tcromp 61.7 *Section 2 rwestbrook 32.7 fschlereth 34.1 dbowen 38.8 yrothenberg 40.5 *Section 3 drobbins 35.8 sleone 36.9 kcollins 37.5 *Section 4 cdranchek 28.8 kwall 30.3 jfalchi 31.3 dbowen 36.9 *Section 5 ryoung 30.9 cread 34.6 jucci 37.9 dhanlon 44.1 *Section 6 dbowen 29.7 dchristensen 33.7 lnafie 34.2 dmayer 35.6 *Section 7 bjackson 25.6 jmartinez 31.4 kcollins 38.6 *Section 8 tettinger 31.7 dchristensen 32.9 *Section 9 jmartinez 27.7 dbowen 30.0 rmay 41.7 arinaldi 45.5 *Section 10 pkimani 28.1 amccaffery 28.6 ryoung 30.8 fwebster 33.6 *Section 11 jsnyder 32.9 jview 35.1 mprattico 37.6 distance 400m dmayer 80.0 distance 200m *Section 12 jpattit 29.0 skelly 29.1 rhahn 41.4 *Section 13 hteres 32.0 lorlicz 33.2 cread 34.8 mrothenberg 44.9 *Section 14 ssampere 28.2 rdirubbo 31.0 amccaffery 33.9 *Section 15 tfondy 33.3 mprattico 36.5 *Section 16 khanlon 29.7 bnicholson 30.8 mfitzpatrick 31.0 *Section 17 amccaffery 28.9 ssampere 35.1 *Section 18 hteres 32.6 jcarnes 33.2 distance 400m lorlicz 78.8 *later, with wright and francis khanlon 67.5 distance mile swright 5:58.0 lfrancis 7:27.9 * Outside times date 11/05/2006 outside *Grunt run distance 5k sleone 22:09 date 11/23/2006 outside *turkey trot distance 10k sleone 46:42 date 7/09/2006 outside *boilermaker distance 15k sleone 84:16 vverdoes 77:05 jallen 74:27 date 5/16/2006 outside * Nate the great (No date given) distance 5k vverdoes 23:35 date 9/9/2006 outside *Arc races distance hmar vverdoes 1:46:31 date 10/1/2006 outside *Marine Corps - date incorrect (not submitted) distance mar vverdoes 3:51:00 date 5/16/2006 outside *date incorrect Bud run distance 10k vverdoes 47:35 date 6/9/2006 outside *Senior Games distance 1500m jallen 6:10.3 date 5/28/2006 outside *Fayetteville Run distance 10k jallen 46:43 date 5/29/2006 outside *Camillus Memorial Day run distance 5k jallen 21:58 date 2/10/2007 outside *Chili 5k distance 5k mfox 23:45 tcollins 28:59 date 10/1/2006 outside *Festival distance 5k cdranchek 23:22 date 6/17/2006 outside *Swamp Rat distance 5k tcollins 24:48 date 5/28/2006 outside *outside distance mar lnafie 3:59:48 * 4x200 day * Jack did 100 before first section date 3/23/2007 regular distance 100m jucci 18.2 *Section 1 distance 800r *RIC-A skelly jwickham cread jpattit 1:56.9 *GMC tcromp ssampere bnicholson smore 2:14.2 *Section 2 * Eric ran solo 200m during distance 200m emoore 29.5 distance 800r *RCG fschlereth jallen hteres bjackson 2:01.7 *FNC dmiller shurley jbright pdriscoll 2:05.0 *Section 3 * Ruth ran solo 200m during distance 200m ryanai 34.9 distance 800r *RIC-B mpolacek mrybinski rmay jwickham 2:21.4 *FNC jbisson dhanlon drobbins pjewell 2:49.9 *Section 4 *GMC tcollins ssampere bnicholson cdranchek 1:58.5 *RIC tfondy lorlicz skelly ryoung 2:07.5 *RCG ryanai lnafie tettinger fschlereth 2:15.4 *Section 5 *CNR dwhite dmayer pford rwestbrook 2:11.6 *GMC yrothenberg rcleary pmcclure jmartinez 2:16.2 *GMC sleone jucci ssampere bnicholson 2:17.4 *Section 6 *CNR labrahamson tdirubbo tsproull dwhite 1:57.9 *GMC amccaffery cdranchek smore jfalchi 2:01.6 *RIC lfrancis dtrombley skelly tfondy 2:29.6 *Section 7 *RCG jallen kmaum kinoue dhughes 2:05.2 *GMC tcollins ldietz jmartinez tskwarnicki 2:17.3 *FNC dmiller jbisson mfitzpatrick drobbins 2:23.3 *Section 8 *RCG ryanai pstelmaszyk kwall jcarnes 2:09.8 *GMC pmcclure yrothenberg mprattico ssampere 2:20.9 *CNR shitztaler tsproull pford labrahamson 2:25.9 *Section 9 *DiRubbo ran solo during this distance 200m tdirubbo 27.3 distance 800r *GMC jmartinez chmartinez sleone amccaffery 2:13.4 *GMC wmcrae jucci cdranchek smore 2:21.1 *A few odds and ends at the end, all run together: distance 200m pford 38.7 distance 400m dhughes 73.6 distance 1600r *RCG lnafie fschlereth jallen kmaum 5:05.6 distance 3200r *FNC khanlon dmiller jstauffer emoore 10:20.5 *Outside times date 7/9/2006 outside *Boilermaker distance 15k dbowen 62:26 tdirubbo 58:21 jperry 1:02:44 gradford 58:07 date 1/20/2007 outside distance mile *Hartshorne dbowen 5:23 gradford 4:58.4 date 1/20/2006 outside *Bville Turkey Day distance 5k dbowen 19:07 date 5/28/2006 outside *Fayetteville distance 10k tdirubbo 38:38 date 9/23/2006 outside *Bud run distance 10k dmayer 47:55 rwestbrook 45:59 date 9/9/2006 outside *ARC distance 5k dmayer 23:05 date 5/16/2006 outside distance 10k *No date given - this one is wrong *Turkey Trot 10k Troy jperry 40:00 date 8/10/2007 outside *Tromptown distance 5k jperry 20:06 date 7/27/2006 outside *Chargers fun run distance 5k rwestbrook 22:16 date 3/17/2007 outside *Shamrock HM Virginia beach distance hmar rwestbrook 1:44:42 date 04/05/2007 regular distance 5k *INSIDE (due to Snow,wind,high 20s-low 30s outside) *Section 1 jmartinez 17:25.6 bjackson 18:00.0 mfitzpatrick 19:00.9 ncoffey 19:01.9 kekelly 19:40.2 ssampere 19:45.6 thomeyer 19:52.0 pdriscoll 21:47.1 sleone 22:14.7 sgraceffo 23:05.3 jbright 24:25.2 jhandog 28:11.3 dhanlon 34:20.8 distance 10k dhughes 39:58.5 distance 3k ryoung 12:55.4 drobbins 13:01.4 skelly 13:14.0 jpattit 14:06.1 rcleary 14:23.6 yrothenberg 14:36.4 distance mile hteres 6:30.7 cread 6:38.2 tcromp 8:41.3 distance 800m dmayer 3:06.8 kkelly 5:28.2 *SECTION 2 distance 5k mfitzpatrick 19:35.6 jstauffer 19:53.5 tsproull 21:27.4 rmicho 23:35.1 bnicholson 24:31.0 distance 3k lorlicz 14:16.8 distance 400m lnafie 76.1 distance 200m ccapano 27.8 date 03/25/2007 outside distance 15k drobbins 78:14 ltucker 1:21:34 *Forks XV, Vestal, NY date 04/01/2007 outside distance 10k drobbins 48:55 ltucker 54:06 kinoue 38:59 bnicholson 52:01 *Skunk Cabbage, Ithaca, NY date 04/01/2007 outside distance 10M cread 1:19:57 * Cherry Blossom date 04/05/2007 informal distance 3k emcconnell 15:26 *Timed by The Banty Irishman date 4/13/2007 regular distance 800m *section 0 beforehand amccaffery 2:12.9 *section 1 ryoung 2:39.2 yrothenberg 3:17.4 smore 3:20 dhanlon 4:48.7 *section 2 tsproull 2:27.4 emoore 2:28.1 *section 3 sleone 2:53.7 *pford DNF drobbins 3:05.3 emcconnell 3:23.6 distance 400m adaddario 2:01 distance 800m *section 4 jwickham 2:13.7 tskwarnicki 3:25.3 *section 5 bjackson 2:11.9 labrahamson 2:47.3 jpattit 2:49.2 pmcclure 2:50.4 mprattico 3:20.5 distance 200m kkelly 51.0 price 42.2 distance 800m *section 6 kwall 2:28.5 skelly 2:37.8 lnafie 2:53.4 lorlicz 3:05.1 kcollins 3:06.3 jbisson 3:49.8 *section 7 distance 400m yrothenberg 86.3 distance 800m ssampere 2:21.7 distance mile dhughes 5:48.1 distance 200m wmcrae 41.7 date 04/19/2007 regular distance 100m *outside track--sunny, calm w/occassional cool breeze, *mid 50's F *section 1 emoore 14.6 amccaffery 15.0 drobbins 17.4 rmore 25.5 *section 2 cnomura 17.3 yrothenberg 18.7 jbisson 19.0 *section 3 sleone 17.5 eholzwarth 21.2 kfoote 22.8 *thanks for shovelling off the track, Knowlton! lcalandruccio 22.9 *section 4 emoore 13.8 fschlereth 19.4 *section 5 amagri 12.8 jpattit 13.4 dmayer 15.8 *section 6 distance 200m hteres 30.6 jcarnes 32.4 fschlereth 35.9 *section 6.5 cnomura 31.8 yrothenberg 38.9 lcalandruccio 48.6 *section 7 distance 100m amccaffery 13.9 dmayer 15.7 *section 8 rmicho 13.3 skelly 13.7 mprattico 17.0 gradford 18.2 *section 9 amccaffery 14.3 jmartinez 15.9 *section 10 smore 15.7 jcarnes 15.7 tcromp 18.7 ssampere 18.7 *section 11 jcann 12.7 *section 12 jmartinez 13.5 ssampere 13.7 skelly 14.2 *section 13 khanlon 14.3 rdirubbo 14.6 bnicholson 14.9 hteres 15.1 rhahn 20.3 *section 14 jmartinez 13.3 ssampere 13.8 amccaffery 14.4 *section 15 distance 400m jcarnes 77.6 lcalandruccio 108.3 *section 15.5 khanlon 66.5 jmartinez 66.5 *section 16 distance 100m jlee 13.6 smore 15.6 *section 17 ssampere 13.7 *section 18 tfondy 15.2 wmcrae 19.2 *section 19 distance 1500m lcalandruccio 8:17.7 jmartinez 8:17.7 *section 20 distance 400m wmcrae 99.5 * Outside times submitted date 11/11/2006 outside distance 5k jhandog 48:52 *Rothman institute 8k (score as 5k) date 4/5/2007 regular distance 800m ncoffey 2:26.5 *Arrived late on 3k day, timed by Lennie and Don date 6/17/2006 outside distance 10k kcollins 53:13 * swamp rat date 11/19/2006 outside distance 10k kmaum 3:26:45 *actually a marathon (philadelphia) date 7/4/2006 outside distance 10M kmaum 1:08:07 *caz date 10/1/2006 outside distance 5k kmaum 19:30 *festival date 11/23/2006 outside distance 10k amagri 42:37 *Rochester Race with Grace date 6/10/2006 outside distance 5k jcann 18:58 *Nate the Great * Run of Choice Day. Outside track. Cool, Overcast. date 4/27/2007 regular distance 10k emoore 42:29.3 pford 46:32.6 distance 800m *section 1 kfoote 4:59.6 *rhahn DNF *section 2 wcamperlino 2:50.7 dtrombley 5:36.7 distance 3k wmcrae 18:20.3 distance 200m jwickham 26.7 kfoote 50.0 distance 400m jwickham 58.1 kwall 64.7 distance 100m *section 1 jwickham 13.8 jstauffer 14.3 kwall 16.2 jperry 16.8 lnafie 17.3 *section 2 mfitzpatrick 15.6 pmcclure 16.5 dhughes 17.2 * Relays: sections contained various combinations * Won't attempt to record the order distance 800r *GOT MILC! rdirubbo bnicholson tcollins smore 2:05.7 *RIC csteinbach skelly jwickham rmicho 2:06.2 *GOT MILC! jjohnson ssampere pmcclure rdirubbo 2:07.3 *RCG cnomura rhahn lnafie kwall 2:15.1 *RCG jcarnes lcalandruccio kfoote tettinger 2:40.4 distance 1600r *GOT MILC! tskwarnicki jmartinez tcollins smore 4:56.5 *GOT MILC! sleone bnicholson jmartinez yrothenberg 5:06.4 distance 3200r *GOT MILC! yrothenberg pmcclure ssampere jmartinez 10:49.8 *RCG fschlereth lnafie dhughes tettinger 11:26.8 *Outside times date 7/9/2006 outside distance 15k rcleary 1:19:23 jstauffer 1:06:26 *Boilermaker date 10/1/2006 outside distance 5k dchristensen 19:38 *Festival date 7/4/2006 outside distance 10M dchristensen 1:12:26 *CAZ date 5/28/2006 outside distance 10k jstauffer 43:34 *Final Run of Choice Day *(Rescheduled because of bad * weather) * Bright Sun, moderate temps * Great 100m north wind date 5/4/2007 regular distance 100m ltucker 18.8 ryoung 17.6 kinoue 16.2 dchristensen 16.6 amagri 12.6 *ryoung dnf kcollins 18.1 tcollins 15.4 bnicholson 14.5 pmcclure 15.4 distance 200m spralle 35.7 amagri 25.4 distance 400m cnomura 74.0 spralle 77.7 dchristensen 73.7 ddaley 87.8 cread 78.4 distance 800m cread 2:58.6 jcarnes 2:53.4 dchristensen 2:45.6 ddaley 3:33.1 jperry 2:43.8 distance mile pford 6:38.7 pstelmaszyk 12:20.9 distance 3k rmay 16:03.2 distance 800r *GMC eholzwarth smore sleone tcollins 2:21.0 *RCA spralle rhahn amagri jallen 2:17.2 distance 1600r *GMC tcromp ssampere jmartinez bnicholson 4:49.5 *RCA ltucker kwall kfoote lnafie 5:58.6 *RCA hteres jcarnes kwall jallen 4:48.1 distance 3200r *RCA kcollins fschlereth hteres jallen 12:20.0 *GMC mprattico pmcclure sleone jmartinez 11:25.3 *GMC bnicholson tcromp ssampere tcollins 12:23.6 *RCA rhahn kfoote pstelmaszyk jallen 19:04.2 *RCG dhughes jcarnes kinoue amagri 10:51.4 *Outside Times date 11/12/2006 outside *Harrisburg Marathon distance mar emoore 3:19:52 date 4/29/2007 outside distance 10k yrothenberg 52:44 *Kingston Classic date 4/25/2007 informal distance 1500m yrothenberg 6:45.4 *timers: sampere and cromp date 11/5/2006 outside distance 5k khanlon 19:22 *Grunt run date 7/9/2006 outside distance 15k khanlon 1:04:07 *Boilermaker date 5/06/2007 outside distance 10M lnafie 1:18:12 *Broad Street (Philadelphia) date 9/10/2006 outside distance 10k spralle 1:20:07 *Ithaca 10 Mile, submitted as a 10k *Mountain Goat date 5/6/2007 outside distance 10M rdirubbo 65:56 ncoffey 68:04 bjackson 1:03:00 kinoue 1:04:26 kwall 1:11:14 spralle 1:16:05 hteres 1:22:05 cdranchek 1:21:53 yrothenberg 1:30:32 pford 74:03 pdriscoll 74:06 mpolacek 1:13:02 date 10/29/2007 outside distance mar amccaffery 2:57:30 date 5/7/2007 informal distance mile kfoote 10:44 cnomura 6:48.6 *Timed by R. Hahn * May 11, Onondaga Lake Park * Season Ending Run * Sunny, warm, breezy date 5/11/2007 regular distance 5k jmartinez 16:51.0 bjackson 18:48.6 amagri 19:21.6 kwall 20:18.3 rwestbrook 22:30.7 jcarnes 23:07.4 ldietz 25:08.9 kcollins 25:37.7 emcconnell 26:04.5 pford 26:05.1 *separate watch: smoore 28:48.8 mprattico 28:57.2 rmay 30:32.7 cnomura 30:32.2 kfoote 39:56.7 distance 10k ssampere 41:20.1 *separate watch: dhughes 43:17.4 lnafie 47:54.0 hteres 48:45.1 cread 49:06.4 rcleary 51:48.4 tettinger 52:01.4 tskwarnicki 55:37.9 jfalchi 67:12.2 tcromp 67:33.6 *separate watch: jcarnes 1:02:30.5 ehahn 1:14:15.1 distance 15k pmcclure 1:14:07.8 ryanai 1:14:47.9 bnicholson 1:20:32.2 *separate watch: smore 1:47:22.7 *Outside times date 5/7/2007 informal distance 200m jwickham 25.6 *Pro clinic at Roberts Wesleyan date 5/10/2007 informal distance 800m ssampere 2:19.2 *timed by cromp and allen distance mile jallen 6:18.9 *timed by cromp and sampere date 5/11/2007 informal distance mile jwickham 5:24.5 date 11/12/2006 outside distance 15k kcollins 1:21:30 *stockadeathon date 5/6/2007 outside distance hmar jhandog 2:21:57 *Quespa HM Reno Nevada date 9/23/2006 outside distance 10k bjackson 40:37 *bud run date 3/10/2007 outside distance 5k spralle 29:22 *Tip Hill Run (actually 4 miles) date 6/3/2006 outside distance 5k ltucker 27:12.4 *Friehofers date 5/10/2007 informal distance 200m jallen 32.1 *Nick X starter J. Carnes Timer date 5/8/2007 informal distance 1500m jcarnes 5:55.5 *R. Hahn timer distance 100m dhughes 16.4 *J Carnes Starter, R Hahn timer distance 800m dhughes 2:38.4 *Hahn and Carnes timers amagri 2:18.5 *F Schlereth timer date 5/9/2007 informal distance 400m kinoue 70.6 *J Carnes timer distance 800m hteres 2:48.3 *J Carnes timer date 5/11/2007 informal distance mile pdepaulis 6:24.3 *J. Carnes Timer date 6/17/2006 outside distance 10k dmiller 41:22 *Swamp Rat date 7/9/2007 outside distance 15k dmiller 1:02:38 *boilermaker date 1/20/2007 outside distance mile dmiller 5:42.03 *hartshorne date 5/12/2007 outside distance 5k yrothenberg 24:53 *Run for the young Rochester date 5/14/2007 informal distance 10k ldietz 50:35.5 *timed by R Westbrook and R. Cleary *all timed by J. Carnes: date 5/15/2007 informal distance 100m spralle 16.7 *C Nomura timer distance 800m cnomura 2:40.5 pdepaulis 2:52.8 spralle 2:55.8 *submitted by westbrook: date 2/4/2007 outside distance 400m dbowen 65.3 *FLRC indoor meet date 3/16/2007 outside distance 800m dbowen 2:23.8 *Chargers all comers meet date 3/25/2007 outside distance 15k kreynolds 69:48 *Forks XV *submitted by Hahn: date 5/12/2007 outside distance 5k jhandog 1:00:19 date 9/24/2006 outside distance mar jswan 4:19:48 *various informals: date 5/14/2007 informal distance 100m jhandog 20.0 distance 200m jhandog 42.3 *timer Brad Pinkney Run on Damonte hs track, reno nv distance 3k fschlereth 18:23.7 *rhahn timed kwall 11:43.8 *ryanai timed distance 100m ryanai 16.3 *SU OT. Javier starter, Sampere timed date 5/15/2007 informal distance 100m lnafie 15.9 *J Carnes timed kinoue 14.2 *FH track rhahn timer, tcromp starter distance 200m hteres 29.6 *SU OT J carnes distance 400m kcollins 85.0 *FH Carnes and Cromp kfoote 2:00.4 pstelmaszyk 2:40 *FH yanai distance 800m rmay 3:50.6 *FH yanai distance mile kcollins 7:17.6 *FH Carnes and Cromp distance 5k lcalandruccio 47:28 *SU Amy Sled pstelmaszyk 40:05.1 *CNS track, R. Nastasi *Various informals submitted by Cromp: date 5/14/2007 informal distance 800m jmartinez 2:09.1 *sampere distance mile jmartinez 4:42.2 *cromp and allen date 5/10/2007 informal distance 200m jjohnson 34.8 *sampere (starter) and cromp distance 100m jjohnson 17.1 *ditto date 5/12/2007 informal distance mile cdranchek 6:37.9 *Judy thomas date 5/14/2007 informal distance 15k jucci 85:01 *A. Vogel distance mile wborgstede 10:49.7 *sampere date 5/15/2007 informal distance 3k wborgstede 23:06.5 date 5/14/2007 informal distance 100m tskwarnicki 15.4 *Martinez (start) and Sampere distance 200m tskwarnicki 36.2 *ditto distance 800m chmartinez 4:34.3 *sampere distance mile chmartinez 10:58.9 *sampere distance 5k wmcrae 31:29.3 *sampere distance 15k tcromp 2:13:11.3 *sampere distance 800m bnicholson 2:48.3 *Westhill track, Kathy Nicholson date 5/15/2007 informal distance 200m tcromp 40.4 *sampere, falchi, and kcollins distance 100m bnicholson 14.4 *stan(starter) and sampere. PR ran again at westhill (9:30 pm) same time! distance 10k tcollins 54:55 *Swamp rat course. Timed by Kcollins distance 800m ldietz 3:21.9 *more, cromp, and cleary distance mile ssampere 5:14.8 *cromp and falchi PR distance 100m jfalchi 15.2 pkimani 13.4 *sampere, cromp, collins distance 800m pkimani 2:33.4 date 5/15/2007 informal distance 800m rmay 3:50.2 *ryanai date 5/13/2007 informal distance 800m gallen 2:32.4 distance 400m gallen 69.2 date 5/14/2007 informal distance 3k amagri 10:51.6 jcarnes 13:02.3 date 5/15/2007 informal distance 400m kmaum 67.3 distance 800m kmaum 2:42.5 *Chittenango HS track Catherine Maum timer